Monday, November 27, 2017

Holy Father, Creator of heaven and earth,
You knew us before we were born.
You give us life and sustain our breath.
You put us in this time and space for a purpose.
The evil one wants to capture our minds
with deception and cause division among us.
But we trust that You will provide our body
and mind with all the strength, knowledge
and unity of spirit we need to do the
work You have set before us.
We give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever.
In Jesus' name,

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Lord God,
It's easy to see the blessings of life when we're
healthy, well-fed, clothed and comfortable.
But the greatest blessing of all is knowing
Your Son, our Savior, Jesus.
Help us to remember that fact in times of trial.
You are at work in our lives,
whether through hardship or serenity.
Jesus overcame the world, not by fretting or
despondency, but by being fully obedient to the Father.
We pray that our hearts would be inclined
to that same trust and obedience,
in thankfulness to Christ Jesus our Lord,
in whose name we pray.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Lord God,
Sometimes the world can make us feel unworthy and undervalued.
Help us to remember that You make us new each day
and we were created to be like You.
Horrible things happen in the world
and sometimes we feel helpless and hopeless.
Strengthen us so that we may always know that our hope is in You.
We pray for a calm and compassionate mindset
so that we may respond to adversity with truth and love.
May all that we do be done for Your glory.
In Jesus' name,

Saturday, November 4, 2017

We praise You, Father,
Creator of the heavens and the earth.
All good things come from You
and nothing is impossible for You.
We pray for healing and happiness in our lives
but we trust that no matter our state,
Your will is being accomplished.
In good times and in bad,
we thank You for everything.
In Jesus' name,